Production Optimization
for digital and offset printing industries

Learn more about the advantages of custom workflow and all the BI tools to improve your print production processes

Production management and automation

Sort automatically out orders into the different departments

Job production management for printing companies
  • Scheduling and monitoring of print jobs and activities
  • Immediate visibility of production through filters, calendars and customized dashboards
  • Creation of job tickets with barcode

Custom workflows

Create customized workflows to improve the production process

Definition of phases and processing activities

Management of the units: prepress, press, finishing and delivery

Multiple and customized flows for each type of manufacturing

Association of operators to each phase

Visualization of the entire production workflow

Workflow del print MIS
Workflow del print MIS
  • Definition of phases and processing activities
  • Management of the units: prepress, press, finishing and delivery
  • Multiple and customized flows for each type of manufacturing
  • Association of operators to each phase
  • Visualization of the entire production workflow

Business intelligence

Use the BI to analyze data and obtain precise information about production

Business intelligence for production processes
  • Statistics on activities per operator, unit and type of product
  • usage of machines, consumables and executed finishing
  • Statistics on manufacturing per date, type and time of processing
  • Data visualization through charts and reports

Multi-user and access management

Create customized accesses and keep track of all activities

Information sharing into the company

Role-based access control (for print operators) for print operators

Traceability of print operators’ profitability

Access control

Multi-user and access management

Create customized accesses and keep track of all activities

Multiutenza e gestione accessi
  • Information sharing into the company
  • Role-based access control (for print operators) for print operators
  • Traceability of print operators’ profitability