Document management for printing service centers

Learn more about print estimates, orders and customers' files

Print Estimating & Order Management

View and manage your document information

search bar with advanced filters

Search bar with advanced filters

Estimate and order management

Estimate and order status management

PDF file creation and print preview

PDF file creation and print preview

Print order management e preventivi
Technical and commercial information in details

Technical and commercial information in details

Customized printing reports

Customized printing reports

Messaging and notification system

Messaging and notification system (via email)

Print Estimating & Order Management
  • Search bar with advanced filters
  • Estimate and order status management
  • PDF file creation and print preview
  • Technical and commercial information in details
  • Customized printing reports
  • Messaging and notification system (via email)

Business Intelligence

Analyze the data and obtain precise information

Statistics: print estimates and orders by date, type of processing, customer, etc.

Conversions of estimates into orders

Online estimates analysis

Data visualization through charts and reports

Business Intelligence

Analyze the data and obtain precise information

Business Intelligence per the printing industry
  • Statistics: print estimates and orders by date, type of processing, customer, etc.
  • Conversions of estimates into orders
  • Online estimates analysis
  • Data visualization through charts and reports

Tools and functionalities

All you need to work easily and rapidly

Internal search engine, internal cart for rapid estimate and order creation with multiple rows, integrated client email, duplications, multiple versions and reorg, traceability and management of documents by author

  • Internal search engine
  • Internal cart for rapid estimate and order creation with multiple rows
  • Integrated client email, duplications, multiple versions and reorg
  • Traceability and management of documents by author